We’re off!

Good morning, everyone!  I’m trying to finish packing for our flight to Tokyo this morning … a little hard to do when you have 3 crazy puppies running around the house!  The boys & I are excited to be returning to Japan once more, but we’re not looking forward to all the heat and humidity!  Oh well, I guess we’ll just have to stay well hydrated and drink lots of water and beeru! :-)  Our first stop will be at the Aloha Yokohama Festival this weekend, then we’ll be in Tokyo until the 29th when we go on to Fukuoka.  We’ll be doing 3 or 4 performances while we’re in Tokyo, so please check our schedule at manoadna.com for the latest updates.  I’m taking my new iPad instead of my laptop, so please excuse me if for some reason I miss a couple of blogs.  Will do my best, though ….

We had some of Carla’s family over last night for dinner, and ordered some Thai food take-out from the Bangkok Chef here in Manoa.  The food’s pretty decent for “fast food” and everyone seemed to enjoy it.  My two favorites are the red curry with chicken and the basil shrimp along with an order of “sticky rice”.  Of course, nothing compares with the great culinary delights that await us in Japan!  Yumm!

So, look out Japan … here we come – again!!

Aloha, “D”


  1. Aloooooooha, Dad!
    We’re looking forwadr to seeing you guys again(^O^)(^O^)(^O^)
    See you SOON;D

    Aloha from Hiroshima, NAO♪

    • Aloha, Nao-san!
      We arrived yesterday afternoon and am now trying to get over the jet lag!
      It’s so hot & humid here, ne? See you soon!

  2. NORIKO and MANA

    Aloha Dad!
    I ,Mana,Junji and fans are looking foward to see
    yours again!!!! Yokohama and Tokyo is very very humid and
    feel very hot.But, our heart is hotter than it☆
    We’ll go to Yokohama.I miss you〜〜(>ヮ<)/
    Take care of your journey to Japan!

    With much aloha,Noriko♪

    • Aloha, Noriko-san!
      We arrived yesterday and were greeted by the heat & humidity! I am very excited to see all of our friends and fans once again! Please take care and we hope to see you very soon!
      Mahalo, “D”