Morning after …

Good morning, peeps!  We had a great time performing at the zoo last night for the first “Wildest Show” concert of the summer!  It’s so different playing with a full backline – drums, percussions, keyboard, and bass – and requires a totally different technique instrumentally.  It was a lot of fun and I hope we get more opportunities to use a full band.  Afterward, we went over to Paesano’s restaurant in Manoa for some Italian “comfort” food – rigatoni with chicken sausage & meatballs, smothered in meat sauce!  Yummm!  I was ready to hit the hay after that meal ….

Bad news – just found out that our dog, Buster, has worms!  Yuckkkk!!  The vet said he probably got it from a flea which he ingested … so make sure you always clean your fleas before you eat ’em, everybody!!

Aloha, “D”


  1. NORIKO and MANA

    Good morning Dad!
    At first, congratulation for your performance success last night!
    I can’t go it, but I wonder I wanna watch it by manoaDNA’s TV♪
    (Do you schedule it ?)

    By the way, your puppies are so cuuuuute♥♥♥♥♥
    There looks are lovely, and also there name.(I’ve never heard the name “peanut”!)
    So cute!
    I wanna know why he is named so that!
    And…flea is scare. We’ll storm the”tsuyu”season next week. It’s rainy,hot and very humid season!
    Dangerous! We take care of “f”and “em”☆

    with Aloha, Noriko.

    • Mahalo, Noriko-san!
      Sorry for my late reply, but it’s been quite hectic the last few days! We are starting to get ready for our return to Japan next month, and are looking forward to seeing all of you very soon!
      Aloha, “D”