A great time was had by all last night at the Riki Riki Deli in Chigasaki! The crowd was rockin’ and the food and drinks were awesome! Mahalo to everyone who came out to support us, especially the MDNA fan club – you guys are da best! There was even a woman who came all the way from Nagano to see us – I can’t tell you how lucky and grateful we are for fans like this who go through such great effort to support us! MAHALO! to all of you from the bottom of our hearts!!

Also had a very nice meeting over at the Hula Le’a magazine offices yesterday. Mahalo to editor Hirai-san, Kitta-san, Shuho-san, and the rest of the staff for their aloha!
We have the Ukulele Super Jam tonight with Daniel Ho over at the Yakult Hall here in Tokyo … really looking forward to it and it should be a lot of fun! Also met Daniel and his wife Lydia at breakfast yesterday … real nice couple and best of all, Daniel LOVES natto and tebasaki! If we get done early enough tonight, we’re all going to try and go to Yama-chan in Tamachi for some ‘wings & beer!
Two more days to go before we head home to Manoa and the puppies!
Aloha, “D”

Hi guys!!!
What a great night yesterday!!! We had really good time and so much excited!!!!! Thank you for share in the fun time with us. Now you see that you guys have so many fans here in Japan. So please come back soon!!
Please enjoy your rest of two more days. And take really good care of yourself!!
I’m gonna miss you guy!!!! Alo—-ha!!!
One of CRAZY your fan, Mari
Hi Mari!
Yes, we had so much fun at Riki Riki the other night! Thank you so much for coming to see us and we will miss you guys
until we return in July. Please take care and see you soon!
Aloha, “D”
Aloha! Yesterday,Iwent to chigasaki and enjoyed yours special performance!
ï¼²ecentry,I’m so busy at work and tired my heart,that Ihealed by MDNA’s song and yours humanity!
At home,my kid’s MANA her name derived from hawaiian,lestening to “Aloha you” and dancing fula.
MDNA’s song make us more happy!
We are looking foward to see you again!!
By the way, do you have official fun club in JAPAN?
Ihaven’t much time
Hi Noriko!
Mahalo for coming to see us in Chigasaki Friday night! We don’t have an “official” fan club yet, but you can probably
contact our good friend, Nao Matsuura, at love_manoadna@live.jp for more information.
Take care & mahalo,
I’m sorry!
I forget to crear “I haven’t much time”.
That’s no meaning!
Hi Dad!
Thank you for your great performance last night at the Riki Riki Deli!
I had a fun time with my friends♪
“Manoa dna” makes me always Happy:)
Take care and Have a great rest of your stay in Japan.
Mahalo, Kanako!
Thanks for coming down to Riki Riki Deli on Friday!
Hope to see you guys again in July!
Aloha Dad!
Thank you for your message and useful informathion,Mahalo!
I’d like to contact her when I wanna more information.
I’m looking foward to see you in July! and to read MDNA blogs from Hawai’i.
Until that time,Ihave listened to your music everyday,and been feeling Aloha in my heart(^ワ^)♬
I can’t speak English very well,so if you can’t understand what I mean,I’m so sorry!