Discover Aloha – May 9th

Today on our DISCOVER ALOHA! radio show, I mentioned that this past Wednesday, May 5th, was Boy’s Day here in Hawai’i (Children’s Day in Japan, Cinco de Mayo in Mexico).  In celebration of Boy’s Day here in Hawai’i, koi or carp flags are seen flying everywhere and many homes and businesses have the traditional samurai warrior helmets on display.  This local custom must have evolved from the early Japanese immigrants  who came over to work on the sugar plantations.  We also talked about our  5 favorite things to do at the beach, with my favorite being stand-up paddling!  We also had a wonderful “talk story” segment with our dear friend and former manager, Roy Sakuma, so I hope you guys were able to listen in this morning!

We also want to say “mahalo” to one of our listener’s, Ayako, for emailing us!  I hope you enjoyed the Hamamatsu Festival!
