Aloha kakahiaka! Gotta get an early start this morning .. have a slew of emails to take care of, and then we head on down to the Waikiki Beachwalk for a radio interview with Sachiko for J-Wave. I had a meeting yesterday down by the Beachwalk and I was pleasantly surprised at how crowded the place was – and there seemed to be quite a lot of activity in the stores and restaurants too! It was good to see that, especially given the tough times we’ve been having …
And later this afternoon … yup, you guessed it – it’s golf time at Waialae! Once again I go forth to do battle with the forces of evil with my trusty woods and irons! I hope I can shoot a good round like I did last week … but I also know that “lightning doesn’t strike twice” too! I will give it my all so wish me luck!
Aloha, “D”