No rain!

Well, even though the skies turned ugly yesterday afternoon, it didn’t rain as I expected .. at least here in Manoa.  It’s early Tuesday morning now and the air is cool and very still.  We started rehearsing last night for our upcoming trip and worked on OUR HAWAI’I and KIZUNA, the two songs which will headline all of our performances.  It’s been non-stop for us since last November, working on project after project and now going back into rehearsals …

Do any of you remember the old Flamingo restaurants here in Honolulu?  They used to serve an awesome oxtail soup .. yeah, yeah, I know some of you are thinking “oxtail?? yuck!!” – but trust me, it was really ono and very tasty!  They also served an awesome fresh banana pie too … mmmm!  Most of the Flamingo restaurants have closed and I think the last one was bought recently … anyway, the new owners opened up an outlet here in town where you can by frozen containers of their famous oxtail soup along with freshly baked banana pies.  I picked up a container and had some last night and boy, was it DEEEELICIOUS!!  Definitely better than McDonald’s!!

Aloha, “D”