Quiet Sunday …

Aloha kakahiaka!  It’s a cool and still Sunday morning here in beautiful Manoa .. what a change from the last few days!   We’re about to take our puppies for their walk, and I’m listening to one of the new rough tracks for our new CD.  I think our fans will be pleasantly surprised at what they’ll find on this new CD, especially since it’s been almost 3 years since we came out with NO PLACE LIKE HOME.

I’m feeling a little more tired than usual this morning as a result of performing at Kani Ka Pila last night and Lulu’s on Friday.  I’ve also had to use my 12-string jumbo Guild guitar on both gigs which weighs a ton and takes a lot more effort to play than my regular Rainsong 12.  My Rainsong guitar is currently being repaired so I’ll have it for our Japan tour in April-May.  Last night was our friend, Yutaka’s, final evening of live ManoaDNA music as he’ll be returning to Japan this week to help care for his mother.  We will miss him a lot and only wish him the best … aloha, my friend, and a hui hou!!  Want to also say mahalo to our family & friends who also came down to KKPG to support us, especially my cousin Reid from Kaua’i who brought his family and friends to see us.  He brought us some delicious Kaua’i coffee from his mom, Aunty Mabel, who is currently waging a battle with the county of Kaua’i which wants to put a landfill (garbage dump!) in the middle of the prime coffee-growing fields.  I don’t know the whole story of what’s going on, but that landfill location sure sounds like a bad idea!  Some politician is probably getting “greased” under the table again … sigh!

Aloha, “D”

Our pal Yutaka w/ Sae, and my buddy Shion
Post-music meal .. kalbi ribs! Yumm!