Last night

Fun was had by all at the Punahou Carnival last night, although I knew I was going to have one of those nights when I started our opening song in “G” instead of “A”!  I couldn’t quite get in the groove for the rest of the set, but thank god the boys and the band were solid.  I also found out that my voice is still not healed yet – it’s still doing some weird stuff and quit on me about halfway through our set.  It all worked out in the end, though, and everyone had a great time … after all, it’s the Punahou Carnival!

A big “Mahalo!” to all who braved the crowds and parking to come see us perform, including our pal Miyuki who had just flown in from Japan that morning!

We’re not at Kani Ka Pila tonight, so I’ll be able to rest my voice for a couple of days before we head back into the studio for another series of long and grueling recording sessions.  By the way, Nick posted a video that our videographer friend from Tokyo, Yoshida-san, took of us out at Waimanalo Beach.  Alex composed and MDNA recorded this new song OUR HAWAI’I, which Hawai’i Tourism Japan is using for their 2010 campaign song.  It’s a fun video even though the YouTube video/audio sync is a little off.

Aloha, “D”