It’s Tuesday morning and I’m already in my office since I had an early morning breakfast meeting. I apologize for not finishing my blog last night, but it was such a boring Monday that there really wasn’t anything to talk about. Anyway, the winds have died down somewhat and have been replaced by torrential downpours of rain during the last 24 hours! The great thing about the rain is that the valley is now very green and lush, although a bit muddy.  By the way, during the weekend, Nick caught parakeet that was flying around our yard .. it must’ve escaped from its cage. He’s been taking care of it and has named it Steve … so everyone, please give a nice round of applause for Steve the Parakeet – the newest member of the MDNA family!
On a positive note, our IOLANI clothing company seems to holding its own in this struggling economy with increased sales on several fronts. Please note – our IOLANI brand will no longer be sold at Hilo Hattie, who recently decided to replace us with cheaper foreign-made knock-offs. For those of you who still want the original IOLANI, you can now find a great selection at all major stores including Macy’s.  You can also shop IOLANI online at
We’re slowly making progress on our new CD which is expected to make its debut in early Spring 2010. We’re taking extra time on this because we want it to be our best, especially since 2010 will be ManoaDNA’s 5th anniversary! I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone by … it seems like only yesterday that we first performed together at E&O! I’m so proud of the way my boys have grown professionally and personally, and I have all of you to thank for that! If it wasn’t for all of your support and friendship, ManoaDNA would never have been able to make it this far … MAHALO NUI LOA! for being a part of our ohana!
Much Aloha, “D”