Beautiful Wednesday!

The strong winds have calmed a bit, and it now seems like we’ve finally entered the cooler fall season.  Unfortunately, the winds blew a lot of my avocados off the tree, so I have to go check to see which ones can still be salvaged.  I guess we’ll be making a ton of guacamole this week!  I’m still recovering from a bad fall that I took the other day while playing squash … my doctor thought I had a concussion but I told her that I’m naturally lolo!

The rest of this week will be extremely busy for us – besides IOLANI, Alex’s UH classes, and recording, we have a video shoot tomorrow morning for next year’s HTJ promotions, a gig at UH on Friday (sorry, no Lulu’s!), a wedding on Saturday (sorry, no Kani Ka Pila either!), and golf on Sunday!  KoAloha is also having a small barbecue tomorrow where Herb Ohta Jr. is preparing his special ribs!  For those of you who enjoy ribs (like me!) Jr.’s are a winner (that’s pork ribs – not his!).  I’m going to try and drop by in between meetings …

Ann, our manager, is coming into town this weekend so it’ll be nice to see her again.  Since she’ll be here through next week, we invited her to come to our house for Thanksgiving dinner.  Thanksgiving day is one of my favorite holidays … golf in the morning, football on TV all day, the great smell of food throughout the house, and most importantly, being with my wonderful family and friends!  Thanksgiving weekend is always a nice break from the daily grind, especially during these tough economic times!

Hey .. I just noticed something – do I talk about food a lot?? 🙂

Aloha, “D”