Friday the 13th!

Aloha everyone – it’s Friday the 13th, which is commonly known as a day of bad luck!  We’re not worried though, because with so many good things to be thankful for, we can’t help but stay positive … even on Friday the 13th!  So keep smiling and enjoy this wonderful day!!

We had our first recording session last night and worked on a new song for Hawai’i Tourism Japan’s 2010 campaign.  Going back into the studio reminded me of the first time we recorded as ManoaDNA four years ago … memories so clear that it almost seems like yesterday!  The boys and I were filled with so much excitement and anxiety since it was our first professional recording experience.  I remember us trying to sing our solo tracks in a sound-proof booth with only earphones and a metronome clicking in our ears … or suddenly having to play our instruments with much more precision and clarity than ever before … or sitting for hours listening, recording, and mixing vocal and instrumental tracks over and over again .. and FINALLY, after months of hard work, receiving the mastered mix which became our “new-born baby”, FOLLOW ME.   Ahh … what wonderful memories!  Being back in the studio last night was like seeing an old friend again and reliving old times …

We had a nice interview the other day with our good friend Daisuke for an article in next January’s issue of HULA LE’A magazine.  We had met Daisuke at one of our first ManoaDNA interviews years ago, so it was nice to see him again!  I sent him a copy of the DVD produced by TV Shin Hiroshima about my mother’s search for her family roots in Hiroshima.  Speaking of the DVD, I heard that the documentary will be aired here in Hawai’i in January … I think it’s on NGN or something like that.  I’ll find out and let you know if you’re interested in watching it.

We’re at Lulu’s and Kani Ka Pila tonight and tomorrow so be sure to catch our performance at Lulu’s via the internet on ManoaDNA LIVE!  Unfortunately, Kani Ka Pila’s system is still not able to handle our live video streaming yet – sorry!




  1. Hi Dad!!
    Really,what a wonderful memory!!
    I recorded documentary of Hiroshima too! I love it! I watching this program so many times. Have a great Aloha Friday!!

  2. I forgot to say… I put on a IOLANI shirts and I practice the ukulele today!! Yey:)