Busy Wednesday!

Hi ya!  Started off early this morning … after I finally woke up at 8:30am!  This jet lag is really tough to get over and it doesn’t help that I also have a slight cold!  Anyway, after I got up I had to get ready for a meeting to go over the plans for our new IOLANI store (more on that at later!).  After my meeting, I headed on over to the Honolulu Club for a quick game of squash before heading home where MDNA had an interview with Daisuke Yoshimi of HULA LE’A magazine.  It was great to see Daisuke again … he interviewed us a couple of years ago and he also lives here in Manoa.

We go in to the recording studio tomorrow to start work on the 2010 HTJ campaign song and also on our 3rd CD.  I’m glad that we’re starting early so that we’ll have ample time to work on the recordings and we won’t have to rush.  It’ll probably take us about 2 months to complete all the tracks before we go to mixing.  It’s going to be a great CD!


The “D”


  1. ALOHA! Dad!
    I go to Hawaii tomorrow!!!! See you again really soon!!at Lulu’s!

  2. WOW!! tanoshimi 🙂
    I’m really looking forward to your new CD!!
    Good luck with your recordings 😉

  3. Hi Dad!!
    Are you OK now?? Your guys were so busy…
    Wow! I can’t wait open an IOLANI store!
    I will go to IOLANI store when it’s new stores open.
    Also your new song and Hula lea magazine are released too!

    • Hi Masako!
      Yes, we’re excited about IOLANI store too! Thanks for all your support!
      Aloha, “D”