Gettin’ ready

We’re getting ready to leave for our final Japan trip for 2009,  and as usual, chaos reigns in the Kawakami household!  It’s always a last-minute rush to pack and get everything in order, but somehow we always manage to pull things together.  We’re taking my mom and sister with us on this trip so it’ll be a little more hectic than usual.  This will be the shortest trip yet – 6 days – so hopefully, we won’t get jet-lagged too badly.

Be sure to tune in to our blogs this week as we travel to Hiroshima and Tokyo … I’ll be sure to include pics and maybe even a video if the boys will show me how!

Aloha, Lloyd


  1. Have a nice flight, Dad!
    I see you in Hiroshima! 🙂


  2. And this is a messege to Carla.
    “The blue dress is for Hiromi.”
    Please give it to her.
    This is information that she wants to know;-)