Aloha Kakahiaka! Just another beee-yoootiful morning here in Hawai’i nei and I’m looking forward to golfing with my buddies this afternoon. We have a dinner afterwards for two of our friends who recently got married so I have to go down to Chinatown later this morning to buy a couple of lei for them.
We had drinks and pupus with Reiko and her gang from the StudioRim Hawaii radio station last night at Tokkuritei. It was nice to get together with them and share stories of our recent trip to Sapporo. Reiko and Sarah were the emcees for the Hawaii promotion in which MDNA performed and we had way too much fun (as usual)! We really enjoy going to Sapporo because the food is SO ono and the people always treat us so nice ….
We’ve also been very busy making final preparations before going into the recording studio. Herb Ohta Jr. will be working with us on our new CD and we will be producing it under his Lele Productions label. Jr. and his better half, Chihiro, have been great and we’re very fortunate to be working with them.  Stay tuned for more news on our new CD as it develops ….
Aloha, Lloyd