Ha, ha … I may be on “vacation”, but I’m not going to let Alex have all the blogging fun!
After flying all day yesterday and spending the night in San Francisco, I finally arrived in Reno, Nevada this morning. The weather is beautiful – clear skies, cool temperatures, and ZERO humidity! I heard that Reno is over 4,000 feet above sea level and the air is so dry that my lips have already started chapping and my skin is itching! Anyway, I spent most of today napping and hanging out with some of the guys in my golf club who arrived last night. The Peppermill Hotel & Casino is a pretty nice place – it’s been recently renovated and has some great places to eat & drink. The decor is kinda weird, though – dark with lots of mirrors all over the place … sort of a “House of Mirrors meets Vegas strip club” kind of atmosphere! There are so many mirrors in this place that I almost walked into one trying to find my way to the coffee shop!
We’re golfing at Somersett tomorrow morning and then play at Lakeridge on Friday, so I plan to get a lot of rest tonight. I’ll be sending more updates and pics after golf tomorrow so stay tuned for more stuff from the big island of America!
Aloha, Lloyd”D”
WOW! tanoshimi 😉
Please take a good rest and have fun!!
See you soon!