Thank You!

Thank you everyone for all your support when my brother and I felt sick this weekend, you are all so kind! I’m very sorry that the stream of our gig didn’t work at Kani Ka Pila on Saturday…that’s really junk! We will try and figure it out soon I promise! But Lulus will work all the tine so please tube in for that performance!!

I had a pretty quiet last couple of days. We are slowly getting in to our 3rd CD and the songs seem to be coming together. I also started writing a new song for Japan that got sent to the D and N and is awaiting feedback. Hopefully we can start working on it soon!

I hope all is well with all of you! Unfortunately I have two mid term examinations this week so I will be pretty busy! Wish me luck please!!

Until we blog again…


  1. Good luck with your examinations 🙂
    and I’m really looking forward to your new songs!

  2. Hi Alex! I fly to Lana’i tonight, and move to Waikiki on the 4th.
    I was expecting to see you all at Lulus/Kani ka Pila on 8/9 th.

    Oh-oh! You skip the shows (><) Dad told me the reason... so now I understood why. I wait the next chance. Gambatte on your exam!! Maybe I can see S 🙂