Aloha, everyone! It’s a quiet Wednesday morning here in Manoa and we’ve just returned from our morning puppy walk. Our dear friend Linda, who was supposed to arrive yesterday, flies in today because she overslept and missed her flight! Get a new alarm clock, girl! And did you guys read Nick’s blog about Budget Rent-a-Car? Pretty sleazy, huh? The sad thing is, a lot of companies are doing it to make money in these hard economic times so expect more of the same.
Our avocados are looking real good and should be ready to pick next month. Interesting note – it’s the avocados who now have the size advantage over our puppies. When the avocados were small our dogs would pick up them up off the ground, carry them into our house, and then rip ’em apart. Now the avocados are big and our little ones better be careful that they don’t get hit on the head by the falling fruit! What a great plot for a movie .. “The Revenge of the Avocado Tree – Part I”!
Aloha, Lloy”D”