Tokyo – Day 2

It’s another overcast day and I’m beginning to wonder whether there is going to be any sun at all!  Actually, I prefer the overcast skies because it keeps the temperature cooler.  I’m going to skip the breakfast buffet this morning and just pick up some coffee at Starbuck’s … not really hungry after pigging out last night at the all-you-can-eat teppanyaki restaurant!  We have two performances today before heading over to Sendai this evening.  We have a couple more days of running from place to place before ending up in Yokohama for our final stop.  So far, the climate has been pretty comfortable – not as hot and humid as last year – but it looks like we may get some rain later on this week.  I was still sweating like a pig yesterday even though we were indoors where it was air-conditioned!  The humidity is a killer even when the temperature is tolerable ….

I was surprised to see some familiar faces in the audience at our last performance yesterday in the Ginza … Reiko Rogers from Studio Rim Hawaii, and the Taguchis from Yokohama!  As always, Reiko was on the go but she made the time to come and say “howzit” before we started.  Hey Reiko … don’t forget the sake from Niigata!  Our good friends, the Taguchis, brought us some delicious snacks including my favorite, ten-musu, which is a miniature musubi with pieces of shrimp tempura, inside – SO ONO!  They always bring us such nice treats and take good care of us whenever we come to Japan.   “MAHALO!” you guys!

Aloha, Lloy”D”

One Comment

  1. Aloha Dad!
    I was very happy to see you today!
    Of course I really enjoyed your great performance!!
    And, I appreciate you allowed my unexpected action.
    By the way, are you already in Sendai?
    Have a good time and enjoy GYUTAN!!!
    From Japanese crazy FAN:P

    P.S. How nice your new video.
    “Rocky Mountain Way” is “Choooo Kakko ii” desu:):)