Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July everyone! It’s a beautiful day here in Manoa Valley and it’s time for me to get up and change my strings and work on some music stuff before tonight’s gig at the Ala Moana Center. I’ve been looking forward to this gig for awhile so I’m pretty happy that this day is here! I love gigs that I only bring my electric guitar because I don’t get to play it that often…tonight I get to play it the whole time!!!!!

Lulu’s last night was fun as always. It seemed like there was a lot of people coming in and out throughout the night which is a good thing. There’s nothing better than when I meet new people during the night as well as see the other familiar faces. All in all it was a great night!

I’m going to go get some stuff ready for today, we have sound check at 2:30 so I’m going to try get stuff ready now so that I don’t have to rush. I want to go buy an American flag T-Shirt too…just to be patriotic hehe!

Keep on checking my blog for updates because now I update it a couple times a day. Peace out everyone!