We are mid-way through 2009 and the year is going by so quickly! Hawaii’s new cell phone ban goes into effect today for all drivers – you’ll be hit with a hefty fine if you’re caught talking or texting on your cell phone while driving. I think it’s a good thing since I’ve seen so many drivers (including myself!) focusing their attention on their phones or PDAs instead of the road. My car has Bluetooth capability, so I’ve been spending the last couple of months trying to get comfortable with it. It was very awkward at first, but I think I’m slowly getting the hang of it.
I’ve been spending most of this week trying to get comfortable with the melody & lyrics for a new song which we’ll be performing at the 4th of July concert this Saturday night. Ours will be the final performance of the evening, to be followed immediately by a huge fireworks display off Ala Moana park’s Magic Island. It should be quite a spectacle! We also had a great lunch yesterday with our good friends, Danny & Anna Akaka, their son Yosh, and daughter Kalei, from the Big Island. I found out that their next Twilight at Kalahuipua’a event is on Saturday, July 11th, and it just so happens that Alex & I will be golfing on the Big Island with our Selohssa group. Unfortunately, we won’t be finished in time to make it to the start of Twilight and since we’re staying in Kailua, Kona, we’ll have to drive a ways to get to Mauna Lani. It would be fun to bring our instruments and sit in for some kani ka pila but I’m not sure whether we’ll be able get out there in time for the show. We’re going to try anyway …
I’m going to play some left-handed squash today since my right shoulder is still injured. It’s been almost 2 months now since I injured it, so I’ll probably have to have it checked by a shoulder specialist. I never realized that learning to play left-handed would be so difficult since I’m using an entirely different set of muscles! Someone told me that it’s good exercise for the brain … and I can certainly use more brain power! Sort of reminds me of the lines from my favorite 3 Stooges comedy when Larry tells Moe, “You know, fish is good brain food!”… and Moe replies, “Then you’d better eat a whale!”
Malama pono,