Mid-week blahs …

Happy Wednesday to all of you and I hope you’re having a GREAT day!  There’s not much to report this morning, except that I’m playing around with some chords and arrangements for the special July 4th song that MDNA will be performing at Ala Moana Center right before the fireworks start.  It should be a blast (literally!) and I’m really looking forward to it although the traffic around that area is going to be a huge mess!  Years ago when the boys were little, we took them to see the fireworks display at Ala Moana Center and then spent TWO HOURS trying to get out of the parking lot!  Needless to say, we never did that again!

My 12-string guitar’s high A string is still giving me problems so I’m going to take it down today to have it fixed.  It’s a very weird problem – sometimes it’s completely muted and other times it’s as clear as a bell.  When I took it down to have the technician take a look at it, the string sounded fine … then when I played it at Kani Ka Pila that night, it was almost completely muted!  It’s very frustrating, so if you have any suggestions or solutions, I’m all ears!!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot … I ate the best burger last night.  Alex took a beef patty, filled it with sharp cheddar cheese, and then grilled it along with the bun.  On my very first bite, the cheese just oozed out of the burger like a cream-filled pastry … wow, it was SO good!!  Ok, now that I’ve made myself hungry, I’m going to get something to eat ….

Malama pono,
