Something’s brewing …

… and I think it’s my coffee!  Peanut woke me up this morning by jumping on my stomach … aaaagggh!!  It scared the living daylights out of me but I sure woke up fast!  Some people walk their dogs as early as 5:30am, so all the dogs in our neighborhood start barking like crazy, especially ours.  Carla figured out how to make Peanut and Jazz stop barking by making a certain sound, and I make Buster stop by threatening him with a bath … that’s right, I just say “C’mon Buster, time for your bath” and he immediately stops barking and hides!

I have to check up on Nick this morning since he wasn’t feeling very well yesterday … I think he may have a cold.  At least this is not a busy week so he’ll have some time to recover before the weekend.  I just realized that we’re almost into the month of July … boy, this year is going by fast!  MDNA will be very busy next month so we’ll have to pick up the pace on our rehearsal schedule.





One Comment

  1. Good morning, Dad:)
    I can see Manoa area in my room. Recently, it’s rainy and windy in the morning, right? It looks cold a little… So, please take your time and relax. Then, keep your condition! Take care:)
    Aloha, NAO♪