Another Gloomy Morning

It’s rainy and windy again this morning in Manoa Valley, but I’m not complaining because I was the one that said that it was too hot last week and it looks like it’s should clear up in to a beautiful day! I’m actually glad that it’s raining because everything was so brown and dead and I’m glad that now it’s all starting to turn green again; the way Hawaii should be!
Last night I watched the first Harry Potter movie which was great as always. I’m working my way up to the new movie coming out in July so I can remember what happens haha! If only life was like Harry Potter, you don’t really need any money, all you have to do is swip your wand and POOF whatever you want appears in front of you. So…I want an ATM machine full of money…POOF I’m rich….haha!
Alright, enough about magic, let’s talk about music! This week is our normal music week with Lulus on Friday and Kani Ka Pila on Saturday, so I hope that some people come on down! I’m excited for the 4th of July gig we have at Ala Moana!! We’re going to come out there and rock the house and as soon as we finish our last song, the fireworks show starts! How cool is that!!! I know that it will be crowded but I hope that some people come out and join us.
I’m almost done with our demos for our new cd and I’m thinking about being one of those YouTube guys who records themselves playing new songs. I don’t know if I want to do that tho because I hate those guys…hahaha but it seems to work. Let me know if you support that haha!
I’m still getting the hang of how to write my blog, but I really wanna do a video blog, just to be hip. Maybe I’ll try that this week, it’s an excuse for me to get the new iPhone haha!!
Ok everyone, stay classy!

Oh, check this picture out! Soooo many beers to choose from!!!!!!