Well, after last night’s Lulu’s gig, we loaded our car with our equipment and I ended up hurting my back some how. I really don’t know how I did it, but all I know is that it hurts a lot!! Hopefully it’ll be better for tomorrow because I want to go to the beach.
Tonight we didn’t have our weekly Kani Ka Pila gig down at the Outrigger Reef because we were playing at a grad party at the Treetops restaurant deep in Manoa Valley. It was a great party for Nyle Casey, who just graduated from Kamehameha this year. Thanks for having is Casey ohana! It was awesome!! Sorry to people who went to Waikiki to try and catch our show…come next week!!! Hehe
Tomorrow is Father’s Day! Did all of you get your Father a gift? I HOPE SO!! We got my Dad’s gift this past week and it is great! I’m sure by tomorrow you’ll all read his blog or my blog and see what it is…but I wish I had one of these…haha!
Well, I said I would blog everyday and this is the second straight day! What should I talk about? If any of you have any questions, I’ll try answer them in my blog hehe. As always, I am blogging from my bed, I have my puppy peanut next to me sleeping while I watch Sportscenter and blog to you all.
Our plan for tomorrow is to go to Costco early to get things to BBQ at our house. I think BBQing is one of the best things EVER so tomorrow should be a great day. I’m excited to see the family tomorrow night too!
What else happened today…OH aside from visiting my friends new baby boy, we also went (late) to our fellow musician Mark Tanouye’s son’s 100 day birthday party. We didn’t really know what this day was, but I guess it is a Korean thing and since I am not Korean I had no idea what to do. My brother and I tried to find a happy 100 day birthday card but failed miserably so we had to go with a congratulations card…I’m not sure if that worked or not…but it’s the thought that counts right????
Phew…my brain is tired and my hands are getting tired…I can;t wait till I figure out how to “video” blog…it would be sooooooooo much easier!!
Until next time,
A hui hou
Mata ne!
Isn’t Mark san Japanese? In Japan, It calls it “Omiyamairi”, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miyamairi , the big event for going to Shrine for prayng for the baby’s health and a long life. Please take care of your back, and Lloyd san’s shoulder too:)