Last day in Odaiba

Aloha Kakahiaka!

TOday is our last day in tokyo and we are heading to Hiroshima tomorrow. I love playing at Venus Fort so I am sad that we have to leave already. I hope everyone had a great time at our shows and hopefully we got to say hi to everyone that showed us support!
I have a massive craving for Ramen and Sake and I am hoping to satisfy those cravings at the same time today haha! I also want to get some shopping done in the Ginza after our show today to bring home so omiyage for my friends and family. I already got a good gift for one of my friends from DONKI, it’s a gigantic beef stick, like a slim jim on HGH! I’d say it’s about 3 feet long and 2 lbs…so…it would be good for a picnic on the beach at home! I’ll probably head over to DONKI again today to make sure i pick up some more of the weird things they have there, it’s awesome!!
I think today’s show we will have some guest artists come up on stage with us so if you can make it down to Odaiba today it should be awesome!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Aloha, guys!
    How was the Venus Fort in Odaiba Hawai’ian Festival? Japanese funs must have enjoyed♪ Next is HIROSHIMA! I really want to go back to Hiroshima to see your guy’s performance!!!
    I hope you guys enjoy Japan:) I’ll be waiting for your guy’s coming back!

  2. Hi Alex, I went to Venus Fort in order to see you guys! Thanks for nice live! I enjoyed a lot! I like your harmony. And I’m so sad when you’re leaving from Tokyo.

    But I will go to your live in Kanto area.

    Take care and enjoy Hiroshima!

  3. ALOHA!Alex!!
    It is the final day in the event in Japan today.
    It is ? this time ..tiredness because of a very hard schedule… Is the physical condition safe?
    I was allowed to enjoy the performance in Odaiba. Thank you for sign & photo. The photo with manoa DNA is fully decorated in the house. It is a photograph of Yokohama Hawaii Fes, JATA, and Lulus. It enjoys meeting in Yokohama this year. Oh, let’s meet with lulus or kanikapira because it is thought that it goes to Hawaii to play ahead of that.  
    Mahalo Naoko