
Mele Kalikimaka everyone!

I know…I know…i haven’t posted anything for awhile but there is good reason for that…I DIDN’T KNOW HOW ON OUR NEW SITE THINGIE!! HAHAH!
Anyways enough of that pish posh, i hope you all downloaded our free song off our site for the holidays. We were trying to figure out a way to give back to everyone who has supported us so we decided to record a free song and make it available to anyone in the world. We chose silent night because our harmonies fit very well during the Hawaiian part. Go get it, it’s free and it takes like 1 minute so none of this “Ohhh i don’t have any time to download it….” Just get it i promise it’ll be good!

As for me? I’m sitting at home, in Hawaii, where the rain is flooding the road and the yard, wondering when the sun will be out again. I kind of like it though because at 5:30 this afternoon it was pitch black…kind of weird but great! Today was my last day of school and i have finals next week so I’m hoping i didn’t fail any classes…there is definitely a chance that one of my teachers might give me an F. But let’s hope not ok?

Well i’m going to go play in the rain right now because rain in Manoa is amazing!!!
Hope you enjoy the holidays and our free song download!
I’ll be sure to let you all know what i got for christmas this year…i was a good boy so i hope it’s something good!


One Comment

  1. Aloha Alex!!!!! Long time no see! Ohisashiburi!

    I loved free song Silent night!! It’s so beautiful!
    Mahalooooo!! Arigatou! (^-^)Y

    Oh I saw big rainbow yesterday!
    Next time, I’m sure I’m going to Manoa!
    well, I hope you’ll enjoy Christmas!

    Mele Kalikimaka!