Home sweet home …

Surprise … didn’t think I’d write another blog so soon, huh?  Well, since we’re now home for the rest of 2008, I finally have time to bring you guys up to speed more often.  We spent last week in Las Vegas and enjoyed the nice weather and beautiful golf courses.  We also saw the musical show “Jersey Boys” at the Palazzo showroom and it was fabulous!  If you’re ever in Las Vegas, go see the “Jersey Boys” … you won’t be disappointed.  Nick, Alex, and I also played golf at the Rhodes Ranch Golf Club and Red Rock Country Club and Nick shot a 74 on the first day!  For those of you who don’t golf, a score of 74 is very, very good.  We also gambled a bit at the tables, but we won’t go into that! @#$@#

After we returned to Hawaii on Saturday, we flew to Maui on Sunday to perform at the Maui Ukulele Festival at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center.  There was a nice crowd (see Manoadna.com) and we even got a standing ovation when we were done!  We’re now back home and working on a new CD and other projects for 2009.

That’s all for now …
