Real Golfing

So, I recently bought a new game for my Xbox 360, a game called Tiger Woods Golf 10. I was having fun and playing it with my friends a lot, and the other night, my xbox decided to break. Now I can’t play any game at all until I fix my Xbox. Terrible!!! So today, …

My First iPhone Vlog!

I decided to try and make a video on my iPhone for all the DNA bloggers to see…and…SUCCESS!! This is a pretty short video that I did while riding in my brother’s car on the way to our softball game. I will be doing more of these so stay tuned!!!!!

Merry Christmas!

In celebration of this merry holiday, Manoa DNA is proud to theme their new website! We hope you enjoy the new look website, and if you find any bugs or problems, let us know! Also, you may notice that a lot of stuff was taken off the site. If you look around, you can probably …