Real Golfing

So, I recently bought a new game for my Xbox 360, a game called Tiger Woods Golf 10. I was having fun and playing it with my friends a lot, and the other night, my xbox decided to break. Now I can’t play any game at all until I fix my Xbox. Terrible!!! So today, …

My First iPhone Vlog!

I decided to try and make a video on my iPhone for all the DNA bloggers to see…and…SUCCESS!! This is a pretty short video that I did while riding in my brother’s car on the way to our softball game. I will be doing more of these so stay tuned!!!!!

On my way home…

Well, I’m at the airport waiting to fly back to Hawaii and I can’t wait to see the dogs and the beautiful Manoa mountains. Although I’m sad to be leaving because that means my vacation is over, I’m happy that I get to finally sleep in my own bed and not smell cigarettes wherever I …