Yes, my friends, it’s Halloween!  Can’t wait to see all the kids in their superhero or monster costumes parading through our neighborhood … so cute!  I hope we have enough candy … kinda hard when you run out and have to put an apple or some other healthy snack in the kids’ candy sacks.  That’s sooo wrong!  And let’s not forget many of our brothers and sisters over on the East Coast who are trying to recover from the massive destruction caused by Hurricane Sandy.  I’m sure Halloween is the last thing on their minds …

Hurricane Sandy’s impact even affected MDNA … our brand new CDs were being produced in the New York/New Jersey area, one of the places directly hit by the hurricane.  As a result, we haven’t been able to contact them for the last two days and it looks like we may not have them for our upcoming tour.  However, we’ve devised a “Plan B” which I think our fans will really like … I can’t reveal the details yet, but stay tuned!  Meanwhile, preparations continue as the excitement continues to build …

Aloha, “D”