Good morning, everyone! Last night was really warm and humid … almost like hurricane weather. It’s still dark and cloudy outside this morning and it just started raining again .. I sure hope we have nice weather for New Years! I’m also taking Nick and Alex to my Thursday group’s annual father-son golf tournament this afternoon so I hope the weather clears up a bit.
Last night the boys and their friends had their annual cupcake competition at our house. Everyone came over with their entries and were judged on stuff like taste, presentation, etc. Alex’s group won this year with their Ice Cream Cone Cupcake although I thought the funniest entry was the one with Nick’s photo on top! Congratulations to all the contestants and I’m already looking forward to next year’s contest!
Someone asked me where my favorite place was to shop in Japan … and it’s UNIQLO! They have a great assortment of clothing at very good prices and we always make sure to check them out whenever we’re in Japan! My other favorite places to shop are Tokyu Hands and Don-ki! You can find anything at Don-ki .. and I mean anything! 🙂
Aloha, “D”